Friday, November 21, 2008

Off campus event

So for our off campus event Steven and I went to the Blanton Art Museum. We also kidnapped our friend and made him come with us while (falsely) promising him free burritos. I generally like art museums and go a few times a year (Mostly with my mom or brother as my dad's side of the family doesn't go for that kind of thing) but I really hate modern art so I thought this qualified as a stretch. It was. I would never have gone if I didn't have to. A few highlights, there were of course paint splatter paintings (which I expected and loath) in addition, there was weird, Pointless sculptures made of welded metals and wood, Some ridiculously simplistic paintings, (think third grade project) and a few exhibits like the first one we saw; a bunch of paper scraps randomly thrown on the floor. How artistic. That said, some of the sculptures were really interesting. There was one particularly that I thought at first to be two interlocking cubes but was in fact a single piece (wow, I'm describing this poorly) that was really cool looking once you bend your mind a little bit. Also, one painting was entirely black but with darker and lighter hues that showed a bedroom complete with furniture, person, things. (I think it's one of those things where you had to be there, but it was really cool looking) My favorite though was a walk-in exhibit entitled building cathedrals. (or something like that) It had 600,000 pennies on the ground in a kind of wavy pattern, 80 or so cow bones hung on the ceiling, a black shroud all the way around (a kind of room about the size of the room we meet in) with some communion wafers hanging from the ceiling. This was all supposed to represent the genocide of American Indians and the profiteering of imperialist dogma (hence the pennies) and it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. After that we walked around the permanent exhibit a little more and I got to see some Greek pottery that was fantastic as well as some more normal paintings that I could appreciate. Other highlights of the night include our friend punching Steven in the face after finding out there weren't any burritos and that we had lied to him, playing in the UT rubber strand forest thing (I hope you know what I'm talking about) and the surprising amount of homeless people accosting us in drunken song for spare change. I had a blast but I still much prefer impressionist art or Greek sculpture to modern (ie. bad) art. Some of the exhibits just pissed me off, If I had spent any money I would have been very frustrated at the simplicity displayed as art. (one thing was just a piece of pink cloth nailed to a wall !) But overall, a great experience.

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