Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Expectations

I picked Padiea because my advisor and a few select friends recommended it. (being good on a transcript, fun, etc.) I chose this particular one because psychology has always been a passion of mine and one I consider very useful to understanding the other areas I'm interested in. (political science, history, philosophy, economics, etc.) Sort of a connecting web of knowlege to base my studies on. I don't really expect to learn that much, most of what I would term "learning" comes from independent reading and contemplation rather than projects, discussion, and other forms where The focus isn't on linking data and drawing new extrapolations. As for studying abroad, I would normally say Australia ( I find the accents very sexy) but as I already have a girlfriend I'm thinking I'll indulge my love of history and go someplace like Italy or Germany. I hate "civic engagement" I very much prefer to leave people alone and expect them to return the favor. I volunteered mabey once or twice in my life and never as my choice. I just don't feel obligated to other people and though helping can be rewarding, I think a good movie, or hanging out with friends would be much more entertaining. That said, as we seem to have to do it I would prefer something involving politics (mabey voting drives, international aid, etc.) as I would aat least like to get some useful expereince out of it. The only challenge for me will be the civic engagement and I'm thinking of transfering so I may not go through all three years anyway.

1 comment:

Dr. G said...

Thanks for your honest post. I hope that by the end of this experience (assuming you stay at SU), that you'll see that learning can occur as much (if not more) in the "connections" you make as in the texts you read. :-). Dr. G